The Answer
What’s your question?
By Matthew Laffer
January 28, 2025
For every question you have in life, there is an answer that exists [today]. All of the answers that we could ever need, both individually and collectively, are available to us.
“Great, where’s my answer,” you ask?
The answer is in the question. Once you get the question right, the answer will come.
You may have already been presented with the answer, but you never had the question, so it went unnoticed. Or worse, you had the question but were so “busy” that you completely missed the answer.
Having a meaningful question expands you, and it increases your desire and patience to receive the answer. It’s just a matter of time. Today, tomorrow, next year, two years from now. Learn to linger and live with your question. Free from worry and full of curiosity.
When you love the question, play the long game.
Having a question is an asset, but only if you keep asking it. Asking “Why?” multiple times is a good start to get to the root of the question. But to get to the seed level you will need to strip away the layers and penetrate beneath the surface.
Here’s a simple framework for delving deeper. You can do this by yourself or with others.
A postulate is raised.
Bring proofs.
Break down the preconceptions.
Identify where the story falls short or where it can be better.
Remove or shrink the gaps to develop the story to its maximum.
Contradictions, duality, and paradox can be fertile areas to study critically when seeking, identifying, and formulating your question.
But what kind of system wants people to ask critical questions? Only a system that is dealing with the truth. And truth should be at the heart of your question.
Thinking about going public with your question?
Let the questioner beware.
If the system is built on a foundation of truth, then it welcomes questions. In truth, there are no dangerous or illegitimate questions. On the contrary, the more on-the-nose, the better the question.
Be wary of “experts” and hubris. Many are heavily invested in their opinion against any and all contrary information.
Make sure you are asking in order to learn, not to attack. If you are in attack mode, then there is a presupposition that they are wrong, and you are right. I think we all know how that turns out.
This sage advice from Mark Twain has kept chips off my shoulder and put chips in my pocket.
“It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.”
Here are some [in]Frequently Asked Questions to get you started:
What important truth(s) do very few people agree with you on?
What did you believe so strongly, but no longer believe?
What is hiding in plain sight today?
What reality are you connecting to?
If a person feels far away from G-d, who moved?
Having a purposeful, well-formulated question and openness to the answer will keep your ego in check and help you to learn what you can’t see right now. This will lead to transformation and becoming a better human being.
Matthew Laffer is a 3x entrepreneur and the Founder and CEO at Goalspriing.