Awakening Fulfillment
My three favorite apps.
By Matthew Laffer
February 11, 2023
When I ask people, “What do you ultimately want?” “Universal, metaphysical, intangible qualities of *fulfillment*,” said no one ever. But that’s what we all want. Feeling fulfilled is a desire of every human being in the world regardless of where you were born, who you know, and what you do.
“Yeah, but how,” you ask?
One word: Consciousness.
“Really, that’s all?”
Okay, two words: Mind hack.
Strike that. Instead of “hack” think “practice.” Mind practice is the path to change, and here are my three favorite mind practices with applications for each.
1. One million dollars a day.
Connect to the day as if you were receiving $1M to live the day.
That’s it. Simple, right? Let’s think about what this means and imagine the implications of it.
It means that everything you do, everything you touch, and every conversation you have, you bring your best self in exchange for $1M a day.
Imagine the excitement right before you open the door, answer the phone, or pick up a broom. Giving 100% of yourself, with the greatest of care, and with your best intentions.
Contrast this with how you currently give. Think about the narrative of your energy, time, and money. Giving less of ourselves and not the best of ourselves causes entropy, limitations, and a scarcity mindset.
Have you ever said, “I can only do so much”? If so, you’re right. You can do so much! An infinite amount, in fact. It’s only our mind that tells us we have a limited capacity to give.
Shifting your mindset to operate every day in a million-dollar state will change the nature of limited thought patterns and awaken fulfillment in your life far beyond your wildest dreams.
The reward of connecting to the day in this way is in direct proportion to the effort you make.
2. Tip the scales.
50/50 consciousness. All day. Every day.
Being 50/50 means your next action is going to tip the scales. Your next action is the most important one.
50/50 is a moment-to-moment invitation to be present and an opportunity to reset. The ego that comes from our achievements and the negative beliefs that come from things we did in the past are discarded. The ups and downs are a false proxy for the stories we tell ourselves.
At 50/50, you don’t have to catch up to anything that you think you missed out on. It’s a pure and favorable environment to look at the situation in front of you with all your heart and with the most elevated consciousness.
Michael Jordan, Miles Davis, and Paul Tudor Jones have all successfully deployed this consciousness in their respective fields. Mike’s 50/50 is always playing the game as if the score was 0 to 0. Miles believed his music was determined by the next note he played. And in Paul’s mind, his entry price was always the previous night’s close. This might help to explain their greatness.
Call it what you want. What matters is that you understand this consciousness, in a deep and substantive way, so that you can own it and use it consistently. For me, 50/50 consciousness is what it means to be truly free; completely present without any doubt of the before or after.
Sometimes I imagine my next action is going to tilt the entire world to the positive.
3. High Vibin’.
Raise your vibrational rate.
Raising your vibrational rate is not only a mind practice, it is *the* mind practice.
We know that everything around us is composed of energy that vibrates at different frequencies. The opportunity is to understand how to use this information. How it can help you to buy a farmhouse in the woods, write a hit song, or [fill in the blank].
In real estate, music, and life, it’s all about vibration, vibration, vibration.
The most important part of your vibe is your thoughts. Where your thoughts are is an indication of your vibrational rate right now. Want to up it?
A short story: A father had two sons. One was an absolute pessimist. The other was an absolute optimist. The father decided to run an experiment to see if he could change their outlook.
He summoned the pessimistic son into a room filled with all the toys a kid his age would desire to show him that life is not so bad. And he summoned the optimistic son into a room full of horse manure to show him that life isn’t always so grand.
Later that day he checked in on both boys. The pessimist was sitting in the middle of the room crying. “Too many toys, I can’t decide which one to play with.” The optimist was singing and shoveling the manure. When his father asked him why he is so happy, he replied, “With so much poop, there must be a pony nearby.”
Seeing the upside is an underrated skill and the most effective way to raise your vibrational rate. Always look for the pony.
Here’s another useful way to raise your vibe every day. Increase your intentionality before hitting send on that email.
How much do you feel it? How much do you want to feel it? More intentionality results in a higher vibration.
People won’t remember what you say. They will remember how you ((( feel ))) to them.
While these mind practices might seem curious to you, the effects are almost immediate and profound. What we’re talking about is a new way of thinking, a new way of living.
Yes, this is real life.
Prayer and meditation.
In a separate piece, I will write about how prayer and meditation can be used to connect to endless fulfillment and to awaken blessings for others.
Matthew Laffer is a 3x entrepreneur and the Founder and CEO at Goalspriing.