what if the real key performance indicators are the friends we make along the way?
I am grateful to be alive, living this life, at this time.
For more than half my life, I’ve been on a path of meditation and entrepreneurship. Coaching is my way of truth.
I lead Goalspriing, a coaching company for the modern workforce. Our goal is to help people and companies achieve their full potential. Our specialty is private, venture-backed startups.
Some of our clients have described working with us as “going to the bank vault and bringing out bars of gold” and “drinking from a deeper well.” Drink deep, loving friends.
When defining new markets and redefining existing ones, speed is critical. The stakes are high. We help companies learn faster and build a culture of learning and development.
Archimedes, mathematician and inventor, said, “Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world.” A proven system of strategy, structure, and high-leverage tools when placed on a culture of learning and development will move whatever you want whenever you want.
Companies learn faster when they’re built on learning and development.
Startups are notorious for moving fast and breaking things. They’re good at doing, but poor at thinking and learning.
We’ve partnered with some of the most innovative startups from around the world, hundreds of executives through thousands of hours and iterations. They chose us because we transformed the inherent challenges of building a startup into signature strengths.
Smarter decisions given uncertainty and accelerated change? While reducing risk? Yes. And yes.
The big challenges of the future aren’t technical – they’re human. Technologies change. Businesses change. Markets change. But human nature is a constant. What really matters is understanding people to enable collaborative leadership, complementary teams, and to provide the ongoing support needed to stack the deck in your favor. And there is no algorithm for completely understanding people.
This is where Goalspriing provides its unique value.
We’ve mastered what every company wants and what most find hard to understand: How to make better decisions during times of uncertainty and accelerated change, and how to reduce risk. It’s much harder, slower, and costlier to try and figure it out alone.
As Goalspriing’s founder and CEO, the journey to here and now has been a slow hunch; a soulful, thesis-driven conversation that I’ve been engaged in for more than a quarter-century while starting three companies.
First came Fitness Group (acquired by Global Affiliates Inc). Started in the mid-’90s, it was built to create an employee fitness benefit—making exercise more accessible and a better experience. The idea and the company were successful and defined a new market during the infancy of the Wellness Revolution.
On the heels of this success, the company merged with a competitor to create GlobalFit (acquired by Constellation Software Inc). The newly formed company utilized the original fitness benefit idea that broadened access to quality wellness programs for people; no matter where they were on the healthy-living spectrum. GlobalFit was the world’s most popular corporate wellness benefit during the first decade of the 2000s.
Despite helping to define and build a $6B corporate wellness market from zero, it became clear to me that the culture of a company has more impact on people’s engagement at work than their health and fitness.
Unfortunately, unhealthy company culture is common across all industries and continents, causing people to be more disengaged at work than ever before. Work is where we can make ourselves, and for too many, work is where we can break ourselves. It’s a place you can lose yourself more easily than find yourself.
The antidote to work that has too little humanity and too little poetry isn’t to give our hearts away. It’s wholeheartedness. It’s to be fully human.
This is about quality of life, and that’s what Goalspriing is fighting for in a gentle way.
This unique style of corporate Judo (Japanese for the “gentle way”) enables us to add our strength to clients while preserving mental and physical energy.
Goalspriing plays by a different set of rules. We haven’t accepted any outside money, we don’t have a board of directors, and rather than trying to reach more people, we obsess about reaching people more.
We don’t have slogans. We do have mantras. And we live by them. We’re playing the long game and we’ve deliberately set out to be a slow-moving company in order to help fast-moving companies solve some of the world’s most complex problems.
Since 2013, we’ve accumulated thousands of proof points. Our work is unshakeable and unfakeable, and we’re just getting started.